Wednesday, November 10, 2010


So, the first radiation appointment won't be an actual treatment, but an an appointment for mapping, so to speak.  Kind of like getting exact coordinates for the areas that will be receiving radiation.
Now, this seems fine and dandy, BUT, remember my claustraphobia issues????  Yea, well, those issues arouse again today.  Here's the deal.  They had to mold a mask to my face, and I am to wear this thing for every treatment.  It is to ensure that I do not move one millimeter.  Now, I understand all of this is important and I really really appreciate it, because I wouldn't want to receive radiation to an unnecessary area on my body.  But, get a load of this thing
Lemme tell you,  when I say I freaked out and cried like a baby,  I MEAN,  I kicked my legs and dropped alligator tears from my eyes and cried, "TAKE IT OFF, TAKE IT OFF, TAKE IT OFF!!!!!!!   Mind you, this picture was taken after they cut the eyes and mouth holes out for me.

This mask was bolted to the iron table with ME IN IT!!!!! and for some reason. my brain didn't register to me that I could still breath with this thing on.  My brain did not pick up the fact that this device is see through,  all my brain processed was MASK, BOLTED DOWN,  CANT MOVE.  Translation =  FEAR.

Well,once I had my total melt down and the technicians brought me back from the world of hysterics, I was OK and they were able to get half of what they needed to get done for this day.  They were so wonderful, said no worries, we could finish the other portion of the mapping on my next visit and I could do the actual treatment then or just do it on the following day so I wouldn't have to be in that mask for so long, and what do you know, the next day was a breeze.  No more hysterics, I lay there and received my first radiation treatment and they were able to get the mapping finished before that.  I'm a big girl after all!!!!   So, I'm off to Vegas  for a weekend of fun with Aaron, and his dad and brother and friends.  A Blast is in the very near future!!!!!!

Love Hugs and Lady Bugs

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