The next week after receiving my Nulasta shot, things were a little uncomfortable, but nothing to run to the doctor about. For instance, and I don't know if this is from the chemo or the shot, my stomach has some ummm, how shall I put this,.......... rumbling in the jungle. So, the rumbling starts, then........ the gas comes. Now, this ain't your average everyday lil toot. This gas sounds like a motorcycle is in our apartment. I don't understand for the life of me, how someone my size can emit such a roaringly thunderous noise. Dam, should I be worried. This does not sound possible or normal, this noise. Aaron seems to be at a loss for words, as this motor cycle keeps ripping through the rooms. I'm so so sorry he has to hear this, but it's so shocking that I can't help laughing at myself when it happens.
Also, I get these shooting pains in my stomach. It's mainly at night, when I'm laying and not moving around. But after I fall asleep, it's OK. The bone pain fades over the first week and the next week, I'm pretty much back to my normal self, other that a few naps through out the day. But the motor cycle still revs it up.
So, that's about it. Nothing to worry or complain about. Oh......speaking of worry. The doctor and nurse said that I would start loosing my hair 7 to 14 days after my first treatment, and also, that my urine would turn bright orange due to one of the drugs which is bright orange. Neither of things has happened yet. I'm curious as to why not. Oh, well, it's not like I'm dieing to have pee the color of fire, and I sure as cuss don't wanna loose my hair. So, like I said, No Worries., On to the next one.
great blog!
heyy brave one...i´ve reed your profile and almost all of your blog...hope u r feeling better now...